Sunday, June 29, 2014

Washcloth Frenzy

Lately I've been knitting washcloths like a mad woman.  I'm making some as a thank you gift for a co-worker who has been very helpful and these lovely pink ones as a gift for my cousin who just had her first baby girl.  You can find the project on Ravelry here.  Now, I'll have to admit, the photos for this did not turn out very well.  All in all I took 74 photos to get these, so I'm just going with it for this week.

Here is one on the needles, about 2/3 of the way finished.  The pattern is called Soft & Nubby.  Unfortunately I do not have a link to it as it was a handout from my knitting instructor a few years ago who never made the pattern available online. 

On the needles

One of the finished products.  Ends still needed to be woven in, but I waited until I had all 3 completed to do the finishing work.  

One Finished

This photo I feel is the best representation of the color and texture of the cloths.  The yarn in Universal Yarn Cotton Supreme and the colorway is simply called Pink.


Finally, here are the finished products from my two weeks of washcloth knitting.  I'm always torn about blocking washcloths or not.  It makes them look better for pictures, but really, they're washcloths.  They are there to be used and certainly won't be dried flat or gently used to maintain their original shape.  These are unblocked. 

All 3 finished

The other washcloths

You may see my projects queue changing slightly.  I'm hoping to join the Harry Potter Knit/Crochet House Cup.  Right now I'm participating as a Not Quite First Year, but hope to be sorted in August and play along for points!

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