Sunday, July 27, 2014

Socks for my husband are finished!

Things have certainly been busy around here!  I got home from a business trip 2 weeks ago and leave for another one this week.  Last one of the year, thankfully.  Between trips, trying to get things done around the house, and some semblance of a social life, I didn't get much time to edit the photos for this post.  A few are from my good camera, others are from my smartphone (though still not bad). 

First!  I finished my husband's socks!  These are the first socks I've ever made.  They are far from pretty, or even.  But they fit and they are in a color he loves.  I did them top down with DPN's.  Which I did not love. At all. I found it to be very fiddly, stretching in weird places, and just painful in general.  I have two other sock techniques lined up to try, Magic Loop and 9" circular, and I'm hoping those are much less painful.  These were knit with Dragonfly Fibers Dragon Sock, which was fabulous. 

Completed socks!

For some reason the heels turned out looking very different.  I followed the same pattern for both, so I'm really not sure what happened here.  I'm thinking I just pulled the stitches much tighter on the sock on the left?  I'm open to any comments if anybody has any ideas.

Completed socks!

I've also started socks for myself.  I'm doing these toe-up using Magic Loop.  I have a bit more than is finished in this photo, and I am loving it.  It feels much less fiddly and frustrating and the yarn is amazing.  This is being worked with Western Sky Knits in their Twinkle Sock.  

Twinkle Socks

Here is another reason I haven't done as much knitting as I'd like.  My parents are in the process of moving and no longer want the piano, so it came to my house!  I'm thrilled.  It's the piano both my mom and I learned to play on.  I've been going back through my primer books.  I think things are going along quite well.  I've started playing with two hands again!

My Piano

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