Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Sometimes my dog gets jealous.

Both halves of the Snowflake Scarf are complete!  Which required me to learn a new technique to graft them together.  I had never done a project that required grafting before and was pretty excited to learn.  A number of fellow knitters at my LYS were practically lining up to teach me the Kitchener Stitch.  I think I'm doing pretty well for a first time!

And I continue to work with my LYS to line up new classes for me to teach.  I'm rapidly evolving into one of their regular instructors.  January will be the first month I'm teaching two courses and my first knitting class.  My regular class is beginning crochet.  For my knitting class, it will be color work and I'll be making a class sample of the Addison Hat.  I will be working mine in Color by Kristen in Mushroom paired with Dragonfly Fibers Traveller in Admiral Benbow.

 Stephanie's Wrap continues to make headway.  I just keep telling myself that slow and steady wins the race with this one.  I will be very happy to get to the point where its all just working with one color instead of changing colors every 2 rows.  

While I was photographing my work today my little dog decided she was jealous of the camera.  She laid down right on my drop cloth and actually posed for a picture.  It's a sure sign a dog is craving attention when she actually holds still for a photo.   Here she is being as silly and adorable as ever. 

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